Monday, April 13, 2009


I don't know how many ways I can describe the awfulness of an endo-cervical cutterage without scaring readers away. It hurts. They don't give you pain killers until after. And it makes me cry from the pit of my soul.

I was under the impression that I would have a brief exam by the Gyno and then consult with the surgeon afterward. Luckily for me my doc here at home did not send the slides from my last exam, I got to have everything redone by the docs at the Mayo in Rochester. Pap, Colposcopy, and ECC... all while be observed by the hottest doctor I have ever seen.

This Gyno was good. She obviously wasn't going to be taking any risks, or wasting my time with multiple appointments. I have much more confidence in her, than my home doc. Her Eastern European accent was easy enough to understand for the most part, and I really think that she has a good head on her shoulders. It just seemed with me, she was a little distracted.

By the time she had arrived in the exam room, I had been waiting for at least a half hour with no pants on. I had to sneak out at one point with a sheet wrapped around me looking for a bathroom, and when I got back, there was still no sign of her. When she did arrive she was with a tall man in a suit and a name tag. She introduced herself and then him as Dr. Whatisname and then continued with the exam. I looked at his name tag and it said he was a maxiofacial doctor, which I understand to be an oral surgeon.

I understand that Mayo is a teaching hospital, but I didn't understand why the guy that does root canals was observing my baby canal. I also couldn't help but notice he was one of the most attractive men I've ever seen in person. Did it help with the exam, not really. Considering the Gyno was talking to him the whole time, and having him 'take a look for himself' the torturous exam took twice as long as normal. He was respectful and all that, and was lucky I guess to observe an 'unsatifactory coloposcopy', but give a girl a break here.

So, as for cancer again, I don't know, but it's not looking too great. Waiting back for word from their results. There was a missed call on my phone today from a number from Rochester, but no message. Hard to say what that means.

Here's hopin.